terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011


My first post... what a fucking emotion! ... not!

I'm kidding.

Today, I talk about my scotish friend, Mark Shields. We first met in Cordoba during a long trip I made with my close friends around Uruguay and Argentina. While we were watching an awesome football match on TV (Internacional x São Paulo, July 2010), he told me a lot about the interesting scot accent (note: he's from Glasgow, that you can say "Glásgou", not "Glésgou").

My friends asked him about Rafael Scheidt, a defender that had already defended Grêmio and played on Celtic, Shield's fave team:

- Do you know Scheidt?
- Who? What?

After this, a friend of mine tried to explain. "Did you say Rafael Scheidt?", answered Mark. He laughed of the pronunciation of Scheidt and told us that Celtic fans called him just "Rafael", 'cause his last name sounds like "shite!" (you can say "cháit!"), scotish way of saying shit. And we know: when you put an "e" after the final consonant, the pronunciation changes completely. Ex:

Quit ("cuít") and quite ("cuáit")
Sad ("séd") and sade ("sêid")

Kindly tip #1: you may use "shite!" instead of "shit!" while in Scotland.

Movie tip #1: watch "Trainspotting", a scotish film about some guys looking for a cheaper way to get satisfaction with heroin. Pay attention on the accent!

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